These lingerie bags save me a lot of time and money. They are designed for delicates to be washed in to protect them. I do not have many delicates to wash so that is not where it saves me time and money. I do however have micro fiber towels that I wash in these bags. Since the micro fiber towels call for being washed seperate to prevent lint transfer. I use these lingerie bags to wash them in. It stops the lint transfer and I can go ahead and use a full load to wash them in. That is where it saves me time and money.
These lingerie bags are recommended to help prevent lost socks, knotted hosiery, or stretched out sweaters and leggings. I have used it for my socks as well to try it out, but I have not lost socks for many years now! I did want to try it out as that use though. It does keep them together in one location without losing them. They seem to be as clean as any other time I wash my socks. For those that do have delicate lingerie these large wash bags can protect them from snags that may occur from washing that like to ruin this kind of garment.
Now for the wash bags the tight stitching of the bags make it great for preventing damage to clothes. The bags are large enough to hold several pair of socks, a sweater, or putting items like silk scarves in. The only part of these wash bags that I find that cause me some concern is the zipper. The zipper is not a high grade and looks like the weak spot of the bag. So far I have had no issue with the zipper breaking down with my uses. However I really like the piece of elastic that is sewn in across part of the zipper that it used to help keep the zipper of this bag in place. It also covers the zipper to prevent it from snagging on any clothes you may have in with these wash bags.

If you have delicates, a sock monster, or want to prevent lint transfers to specific items that you wash. I do recommend picking up some of these wash bags from IX Better Home to help protect them. I would like to thank IX Better Home and affiliates for sending me these to try out and leave my opinion.
Can be found at:
website: https://ixbetterhome.com/
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/lingerie-bags-for-laundry/dp/b00jousz72/ie=utf8?m=a1z0efq0i2sfp6&keywords=lingerie+bags+for+laundry
Hash Tag Users: #WashGuard
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a sample for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I tried personally and believe will be good for my readers. No other form of compensation was received. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."