These are designed for those that are on their feet a large portion of the day. They offer some comfort from impact as you are walking around. I know they are a huge help for me in the warehouse when I am traveling from one end to the other to fill orders. My knees, ankles, and muscles through out my legs are not as tired and sore.
These insoles are designed to fit the shoe very snug on the inside. This helps a great deal in not letting them slip around inside the shoe while you are in motion. If they were to slide around you would have some huge blisters by the end of the day. They also claim to reduce foot odor as well. This one I am not sure about since I do not have this issue because I take care of my feet.
These are not nearly as thick as most other insoles. I have tried the Dr. Scholls inserts and they are much thicker and can make your walk feel really awkward until you get used to them. These being so much thinner and the same thickness the whole length of the shoe makes it feel as though they are not even there. At first I thought they were made with dress shoes in mind since they are so thin and most dress shoes do not loosen up like running shoes. I have found these work well in my running shoes as well.
Some of the benfits:
Genuine Leather
Seamless one piece high quality handcrafted genuine leather for comfort and moisture absorption.
Advanced breatheable activated carbon filter bottom helps control and prevent foot odor.
Slightly padded provides cusioning comfort while not taking up too much shoe space!
Precisely positioned and shaped to your foot and will not shrink
If you are looking for some thin insoles to pad your walk. That can be worn in almost any type of shoes from dress, running, boots, or even house shoes. This is a very good option to consider on your next purchase. I would like to thank Shoeslulu and affiliates for sending me these insoles to try out and give my opinion.
Can be found at:
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Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a sample for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I tried personally and believe will be good for my readers. No other form of compensation was received. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."