This is a micro lantern from Galaactic Lighting. It is powered by 3 AA batteries. The lantern is a bright LED light source. It is very light weight at less then 1/2 a pound in weight. The housing of the lantern is made out of plastic which makes it light.
The lantern is very small and compact. It is about 6 inches tall and a little bigger then a 20 oz. coke bottle in diameter. The entire housing of the lantern is made from plastic that is not very thick or durable. This is designed to be set up and used for light and not be banged around inside your bags. The lift handle of the lantern is a very nice addition to it making it easy to carry as you are using it. The handle is very flimsy though and would be very easy to break if you are not careful. The area around where the light emits and the base where the batteries go in are made of a much stronger plastic.
The light that this lanter puts out is very good for areas where there is limited or no lighting. It is not designed to be a flood light or any other high powered light. It is for creating enough light to be able to accomplish small tasks. For instance I have used it fishing when I was trying to bait my hook, moving spots, and lighting my path in and out of camp as needed. This micro lantern puts off about 2/3 of what a normal kerosene lantern would without the worries of it getting knocked over and starting a fire or the accidently touches that burn you. The lantern is also about 1/4 the size of a typical lantern so it does save space. Since it runs off of 3 AA batteries there is not need to lug around a can of fuel for it either.
At the bottom of the lantern there is a twist off plate/cover that exposes the battery box. It twists on much like the lid of a pickle jar. When I twist on this cover I always here the rest of the lantern creeking in my hands is why I say it is not super durable. The lantern is not a water tight or resistant. However as long as it is not submerged or in a heavy rain storm it should withstand a good portion of it since it is made mostly of plastic. If you getting rained on make sure the base it not going to get filled with water and should be good.
Lastly the knob to turn the lantern on and off. It is very easy to find and use. Even in a completely dark room, if you were handed this lantern you could find the knob to turn it on. It works much like the knob of your normal car stereo, turn it to the right turns it on and the further you turn it the brighter it gets. Turn it to the left and it clicks to an off position.
If you are looking for a very lightweight light source for when you are out and about this is not a bad choice to consider. It is light weight enough to hang from the inside of a tent when you are out camping. Good enough to light your path after dark so the pot holes do not sneak up on you. I would like to thank Soloneer Ltd for sending me this LED Lantern to try out and share my opinion.
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Hash Tag Users: #GalacticLighting
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a sample for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I tried personally and believe will be good for my readers. No other form of compensation was received. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."