This is a standard size duffle bag once it is completely unfolded. The bag is extremely light weight. This bag folds up into a very compact size. It is very versatile and has the ability to be used is so many ways.
The bag fully extended out to the duffle bag size is a little over 2 feet long. With a width and heighth of about 12x12 inches. With the bag fully extended it makes a very large bag. Once extended out you can see all of the carry capabilities of this bag. There are 2 small straps at each end of the bag. The next set of straps are your common across the center carrying handles you find on the majority of all duffle bags. Lastly there is an adjustable shoulder strap that clips to both ends of the bag.
This bag has a lot of storage spaces included. To start with there are 2 small zipper pockets on either end of the bag. They are great for storing small things like phone chargers and the likes. Then there is one small zipper pocket on the front of the bag that you can do they same with small items. On one end of the bag there is a pocket that is about 3 inches wide and is the full 12x12 inch end of the bag. Lastly you have the center compartment that is 11x12x24 for holding the majority of your items.
Now for the compact size of this bag. When you zip it down to its smallest form it is about 11x12x1 in size. This makes it perfect for traveling. I know when I go on vaction I come back with more then I left with. So this is compact enough to put in my suit case. It only takes up about as much room as a folded shirt. Now I have a bag that I can put my purchases in on my trip back without worrying if I am going to crush something trying to force it into my regular suit case. This bag would also work great for those school gym lockers. We all know that there is hardly any room in those to begin with.
When it comes to the contruction of the bag it is not the most durable. The material that the bag is made out of is very thin, but I am sure that is they only way it would shrink downt to such a small size. The stitching for the most part is average job. The zippers are the cheap plastic track zippers. With this being said it is still a great bag because of how compact and versatile it is. It is designed to carry cloths and things along that line, not a load of bricks.
If you are looking for a bag that is very compact, versatile, and light weight this is one you should consider. I would like to thank DMY and affiliates for seding me this foldable duffle bag to try out and share my opinion.
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Hash Tag Users: #travelbag
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a sample for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I tried personally and believe will be good for my readers. No other form of compensation was received. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."