This is a decent sized duffel bag. It has multiple slots for carrying an array of items at one time. This bag is about average quality for a low end priced duffel bag. Currently the bag comes in black or navy blue.
I have used this bag over the last couple of weeks while I was away from home helping a friend move. I was able keep a weeks worth of clothes in the bag. I was able to put a couple of puzzle books and my tablet in the end pockets. I also had my charging cables, back up battery chargers, laptop cables, and mouse.
I will start with the duability of the bag. The stitching at the seams and along the zipper tracks seem to be very well done. I do not for see any real issues with the stitching for the life of the bag. Next the zippers are the junk plastic zippers. They will jump track pretty easy and will pop if you try to over load the bag or force the zip. As long as you do not over load the bag and take care while zipping you really should not have problems. Lastly is the shoulder strap, it appears to be some what strong until you get to the plastic clips. This looks to be the weakest area of the entire bag design. This bag should be able to last a couple of years with how it is built as long as you do not force load the bag.
Now for the storage areas. There are upright pockets on either end of the bags. These are large enough to hold my 10 inch tablet, charging cables, and a couple of full size puzzle books in one pocket. I use the other end to keep my socks in. The middle compartment is large enough to hold a weeks worth of clothing. I can put 5 days of clothing in the center part with my laptop comfortably as well. There is also one very small pocket on the inside of the large compartment.
If you are looking for a decent low end priced duffel bag, this is one you may want to consider. It seems to be durable enough to last a few years of abuse. The bag is some what spacious, offers a shoulder strap, and regular carrying handles. I would like to thank Sport items and affiliates for sending me this duffel bag to try out and share my opinion.
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Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a sample for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I tried personally and believe will be good for my readers. No other form of compensation was received. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."