This is a very nice assortmant of tips for pastry bags. This set that was sent to me is a 52 piece set of tips and utility tools. They are really easy to use and can pretty much do any kind of decoration you would like to try.
This is the ideal set for a begining baker when it comes to decorating cakes, pies, and pastries. It has 52 tips that all make a little bit different look, form, and size of decorations. It also includes 2 of the plastic tip holders for the pastry bags. There are 2 stands for holding the bags while not in use. To start with you can do waves, flowers, swirls, or anything else your imagination can think of with these tips. Since they are so easy to use you can practice a lot with these. You can take a cake mold and turn it upside down and start decorating the empty cake tin. When you are done with this round scrap the frosting back off, select a new tip to learn what it does. Put the frosting back into the tube and go again with decorating the empty tin again. There are a lot of tips of many shapes and sizes to experiment with so it will take some practice to get really good at it for most people.
How the kit works is very simple. You grab your pastry bag and slide your tip in and attach the tip connector. There is a screw on part to lock in down completely. Then you add your frosting to the pastry bag. I recommend not going more then about 2/3 full so it is easy to fold over and seal the frosting in. From there you squeeze the bag gently and the frosting starts out of the tip you selected. That is all there is to setting up and using these tips. Now there are 2 stands included in this kit. They are the spike looking pieces of stainless steel. These are for holding the bags that have frosting in them of different colors. You can have multiple colors set up in many bags and held in place with these 2 stands. This keeps them from oozing out frosting when you lay it down on the counter to go to the other color.
Next is the clean up. Since they are stainless steel tips they are super easy to clean. It usually only takes some hot water running through the faucet to clean them. I do have some really small brushes at my house that I use as well. Since they are steel they are probably dishwasher safe if you want to try that, I do not recommend that because they are light weight and could end up on the moon before you locate them again. The pastry bags are always easy to wash out as well. Remove the plastic holder and start running warm water through it and the frosting will break down and head out of the tip. From there remove you stainless steel tip and finish washing the bag.
If you are new to cake decorating this is an ideal set to start with. If you are a seasoned decorator this is a really nice set to pick up and add to your collection. They are made to be fairly durable unlike most I have seen. The metal housing of all of the tips are a little thicker then most I have come across with so they will hold their shape much longer at the tip. They also come in a very convenient plastic case that has a place for each tip to keep you a little more oragnized. I would like to thank Ben&Tomato's and affiliates for sending me these pastry decorating tips to try out and share my opinion.
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Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a sample for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I tried personally and believe will be good for my readers. No other form of compensation was received. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."