This sleeping bag says in the description that it is rated for zero degree temperatures but if you read further down it has a temperature limitation of 32F. It is very compact and light weight for how big the sleeping bag really is. When I ordered this sleeping bag it came with a carrying bag to compress it into and a small set of instructions.
The sleeping bag is a mummy type bag with an opening at the top that you slide down into. I had no problem with room at all in this sleeping bag. I am almost 6 foot tall and I had several inches to go before my feet bottomed out on the bag. The bag is super warm once you crawl in it. I tried it out on my living room floor with the temperature in the house at 70 degrees. I was in the bag for about 5 seconds before I was starting to bead sweat so I quickly crawled back out of the bag.
The trick to this bag is the getting it back in the bag! I should have taken some pictures of it out of the bag when I had it out. It is back in the bag and not coming out until I need the sleeping bag. It can be a bit of a stuggle to get it back in the bag. Once it is in the compression bag though you can use the straps on the side of the bag to get it to shrink down a little bit more pretty easily. When it is compressed down it is about the size of a 9 inch pie pan in circumference. It stands about a foot tall so at this size it is super easy to attach to your back pack for your camping/treking trips. In all the sleeping bag and the carrying bag for it weights in at a small 2 1/2 pounds.
If you are looking for a good sleeping bag to add to your camping trips that is light weight and compact this is one you can certainly consider. It is easy to get out of the bag, kind of a pain to get back in the bag. It is very warm to be in, and really easy to get into. It is larger enough for adults to use while out camping. I would like to thank Ben&Tomato's for sending me this sleeping bag to try out and share my opinion.
Can be found at:
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Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a sample for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I tried personally and believe will be good for my readers. No other form of compensation was received. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."