This is a very large capacity cargo bag. This is designed to go on one of the trays that lock into a receiver hitch. The bag is very durable in almost every aspect. This bag also has many anchor points for securing the cargo. Currently Ohuhu only offers this in a black colored bag. This bag also comes with a 12 month replacement warranty.
The bag is made from feels like a very thick canvas material. The material they claim it to be water proof and fire resistant. The stitching seems to be very well and solid. The tie down straps are made from a material much like back pack straps. Everything about this bag is very durable until you get to the zipper. Then you are to the cheap plastic zippers that break down very quickly. If you were to have this out in the sun light for a few days I am sure the zipper will begin to have issues quickly. As much durability that was built into this bag to fall short on a weak zipper is almost criminal.
Now the bag has 6 anchor buckles on it. This makes it a much more secure cargo bag then a lot I have seen on the market. I have used this in 2 ways so far. First I used it on top of the SUV while I was traveling. The second was in the back of the SUV for a closed cargo bag. I did find that me making a few side panels to go inside the bag made it a standing bag. This made it so much easier to load/unload and cover my cargo in the back.
The cargo bag is very spacious. This bag holds a great deal of cargo with ease. I would not over load the bag with things that are going to stretch the zipper but filling it to max capacity is certainly not an issue. The material is strong enough that it can take some hits from sharp sided objects somewhat without breaking down. I do not advise putting 30 saws or something like that inside this because it is after all still a soft side cargo bag.
If you are in the market for a cargo bag for on top of your vehicle or a receiver hitch tray this is one that you may want to pick up. It has a thick canvas build, multiple anchor points, and can hold a lot of cargo. I would like to thank Red Puppet and affiliates for sending me this bag to try out and share my opinion.
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Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a sample for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I tried personally and believe will be good for my readers. No other form of compensation was received. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."