This is a compact design and very lightweight for an umbrellas. The umbrella is also very well built it seems for great durability. This umbrella has a curved handle making it really easy to hang almost anywhere. Currently the umbrella is only available in black with white stitching on the handle.
The umbrella is very light at a little less than a pound. Making it very easy to carry and store. The total length of the umbrella when it is about a foot when it is in storage mode. I am able to place this umbrella in my glove box for easy access as I am leaving the vehicle. The handle of the umbrella is very nice because I can hang it on a door handle, coat rack, in a closet, or any thing else that is a couple of inches in diameter. Also with the umbrella handle I can hang it on my wrist if I am in need of both of my hands.
Coverage of the umbrella is great for an individual user. When it is expanded it is about 3 1/2 feet across. The umbrella also dome has also been sprayed with a water repellant. This works much like hunting jackets with the coating. It keeps the umbrella from soaking in water unless you leave in a tub of water for a few weeks. This makes the water bead and run off the top of the dome.
The umbrella has a click button for opening and closing the umbrella. To expand the umbrella make sure you have the dome strap released. Then you press the silver button that says open/close. This will expand the rod and open the dome in one motion. Now to put the umbrella away you hit the close button again. This will release the dome rods. However it does not bring in the upright rod. You will still have to grab and pull the rod into position. From there attach the dome strap around the umbrella dome. Now to the only part of this umbrella I do not get, why this strap is a bright blue? I think it would have been much better as a black strap to match the dome better.
If you are looking for a really good umbrella this is one to consider for sure. It offers quick easy opening, water repellant, a curved handle, and is built to last for a long time. I would like to thank AOG Design and affiliates for sending me this umbrella to try out and share my opinion.
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Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a sample for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I tried personally and believe will be good for my readers. No other form of compensation was received. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."