This is a interesting bag design. It is designed with a hook that looks much like a clothes hanger. It has lots of space to hold most if not all of your toiletry needs. This bag does only come black in color with a blue half moon shape chevron on the front.
Okay to start with all of the compartments for storage. On the side of the bag there are 2 pockets that are the full heighth of the bag. Once you open the bag right below the hanger is a small pocket that does not close or seal. You will need to put something in this that can hold in place on its own once you close the bag because this pocker will be upside down. Below that is a mesh pocket that zips. Now you get to the inside of the bag there are 2 mesh stretch pockets on the back that lay flat and will hold tightly up against what you do slide into these pockets. On the front side facing out is a small zipper pocket for even more storage.
Now for the durability of this bag. This is a nylon bag for starters. This makes it water resistant but not the most durable to anything pointy. The stitching of the bag seems to be average or maybe a bit above average. On the zippers there are cloth pull straps instead of the typical hard pull tabs. These are not the greatest in the world because they do snag and catch on things. Once these cloth hoops catch or snag on something they are usually torn free from the bag. Next the zippers are the cheap plastic things that like to jump track and always wear out very quickly.
This bag is desinged to hold your health and beauty items in one place. The ability to hang up is kind of nice and works great off of most motel/hotel towel bars. I was able to put my beard trimmer, razor, refill cartrage, cologne, body spray, hand lotion, tooth brush, tooth paste, travel size shampoo, travel size mouth wash, tweezer set, and a lot of other small items. However do not over load this bag to much since. It is designed to hold H&B items not things like bowling balls! If you treat this bag well it should last a good deal of time.
If you are looking for a good travel bag for your health and beauty products you may want to consider this bag. It does hang on a towel rack making it really easy to keep all your items in one place, easy to put things in and out of the bag while it is hanging, the bag offers many compartments to keep thing organized, the bag is light weight, and compact. I would like to thank Mens Bodega and affiliates for sending me this toiletry bag to try out and share my opinion.
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Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a sample for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I tried personally and believe will be good for my readers. No other form of compensation was received. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."