This is an expandable tent type castle play tent. It comes in a bag a little bit larger around then a frisbee. It is fairly easy to set up. If you have ever put up a camping tent then this is a piece of cake to get set up. The bag it is in is about 3 inches thick so it really does not take much space once it has been folded up. Upon ordering this play tent it came with 4 tent rods, the tent, and a carrying case.
On the bag there is a very poor set of directions. It is more of a guide of how to refold the wires. Which is good because it will keep you from damaging them. Other then that there really is not other instructions provided. So setting up this castle is not rocket science but directions would have been nice to have. To start with you pull tent out of the bag and let the rings expand out. Now you go inside the tent area. It is large enough for me to get into. The entry door was a bit snug for my shoulders but I could still get into the tent. Now once inside the tent you can set up the tent rods and put them in place. If you try to do this from outside it is really difficult to get it into place. Now once inside you can set up one of the four tent rods. At the base there are some cloth pockets that are black. One end of the tent pole goes in there. The other end goes up to the peak of the tent. There are small flaps that make for pockets as well to set the ends in. On the side wall there are Velcro straps to tie around the tent poles. You do this for all four of the tent rods. Once this is complete it will stand completely on its own.
When playing with the tent I recommend no sharp objects or shoes. It is much like tent material so it might not take a great deal of abuse. So now to play time. My little princess decided I needed to recue her from the castle. Well as I was doing this about 1/2 through my efforts I hear this is not right. I am supposed to be in the highest part of the castle, I have seen Shrek. So now with some changes to location the tent was then put up on top of the bed so I could climb to the top to rescue the princess. For some reason once the rescue was done I went from the knight in shinning armor to the valiant steed! So the pricess could ride off into the sunset.
If you are looking for a great play tent to add to your in house adventures this tent can most certainly increase your play options. It is fairly easy to set up, does not take a lot of space when stored, and repacks fairly easy. I would like to think Skas Marketing for sending me this play tent to try out and share my opinion.
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Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a sample for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I tried personally and believe will be good for my readers. No other form of compensation was received. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."