This is a unique backpack being able to fold up into a very small size for storage and ease of carrying. Currently it comes in three colors red, black, and blue. The one I ordered was black and it is not a true black. It seems to have a blue tint to the color reducing the black in the material.
This backpack is similar to most backpacks as far as space and size is considered. It is not built from the strongest materials so I would not over load it with anything really heavy. I am guessing if they went with heavier materials it would not be able to condense to such a small bag. Personally I use mine for when I travel. I can add it inside of my suitcase and it barely takes up any room. While I am out on my trips and find things I just can not live without I use this backpack to keep them in. I usually buy a couple of shirts and some other trinkets for the kiddo's while I am away so this bag works perfect.
The only thing about this bag that I find extremely lacking are the zippers. They catch on anything and are a very loose tracking zipper. The rest of the bag seems to be stitched together to with stand normal use as long as it is not a heavy load. I am going to say about 10 pounds should be about the max weight you should carry in it regularly. Folding the bag into it own carrying form is easy to do and sometimes a pain with the zippers catching everything in its tracks.
If you are looking for a very light weight, compact, and useful backpack this is a great one to consider. It has unlimited purposes for everyday life. Great for camping, trekking, school bag, or storage bag to mention a few. I would like to thank InstaUber for sending me this foldable backpack to try out and share my opinion.
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Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a sample for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I tried personally and believe will be good for my readers. No other form of compensation was received. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."