This is a 100% stainless steel cocktail shaker set from Bar Brat. It comes with the cup, strainer, cap, and double sided jigger. Perfect for anyone wanting to mix some drinks with or without alcohol.
To start with the jigger is 2 sizes. They are 1/2 and 1 ounce liquid measuring jigger. Almost all drinks are made with no less then 1/2 ounce portions unless it is a splash. This will make sure you have the portions exact every time to have the best flavoring for each drink.
Next is the shaker. This is a 3 part unit. The cup, strainer, and cap. You mix your drink portions in the cup. Then you place the strainer on top of the cup. Here is where you can add things like oranges and lemons to flavor the drink and not have to worry about seeds because of the strainer. Lastly is the cap that goes on top of the strainer area. This unit put together makes it simple to mix your drinks.
Clean up is a cake walk with this set because it is stainless steel. That means soap and water work great. Since it is stainless still you can use a dishwasher as well to clean this shaker unit. I would not use a hard scratcher or anything on it since it is stainless steel and usually wipes clean very easy. Now this is steel so it will transfer the temperatures of the contents to the outside housing. If you are making something that is really hot you may want to consider a towel while you are shaking and pouring. It will also be really hot if you try to grab it directly from the dishwasher as it has completed its cycle.
If you need a shaker for your home bar for mixing all kinds of drinks this cocktail shaker unit will do the job nicely. It is limitless on the mixed drinks that can be made with a shaker like this, there are lots of websites that offer mixed drink combo's to try out. I would like to thank Bar Brat and affiliates for sending me this cocktail shaker set to try out and share my opinion.
Can be found at:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B011CUZ1ZK?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o09_s00
Website: http://barbrat.com/products/cocktail-shaker-set-24-oz-built-in-martini-strainer-bonus-jigger
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Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a sample for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I tried personally and believe will be good for my readers. No other form of compensation was received. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."