This bag is a very interesting bag to say the least. It can be carried like a briefcase, back pack, or with a shoulder strap. It is made from canvas material with a small amount of leather mixed into the making. The bag is a square style much like a briefcase with soft sides. It goes away from the half moon shaped backpacks at the top which I think is a nice change for the basic ordinary backpack.
To start with the back pack is 18/12/7 inches in size. This makes it large enough to carry many books, camping supplies, laptops, and so many other things. The bag is almost fully made of canvas material making it very durable. This is not the cheap vynil material you find on the standard backpack at Wal-Mart. This makes it where you can fill the bag to its limits without tearing very easy. The has several differnt ways to carry it. There are 3 rubber handles located on the bag. The one at the top makes it easier to pick up and sling over you shoulder if you want. The bottom one makes it where you can dump out the contents of the bag easily if you need to. The last one is on the side making it where you can carry it like a briefcase. There is a should strap attachment as well to this bag. It is simple to connect them, much similiar to a D-hook type connection. The strap is made from canvas material so it will last a very long time as well. Then there is the backpack straps that you uncover from a zip up panel. This is kind of cool how they are not flopping around all over the place if you are using it in other ways. This leads to the only part of the bag that is bad. The roll up cover attaches by velcro to the bag. Velcro is horrible it loses its function over time with things getting trapped in it. This would have been much better having a expandable net area on the top to catch it in like the water bottle holder. The stitch work through out the bag appears to be fairly well constructed and does not look like it will give any time soon. The zippers for the most part are above middle grade zippers. They are solid and hold their tracks very nicely.
The bag is larger enough to fit my 17 inch laptop in. Where most bags you can not because they are rounded at the top. This is where the square design is more handy to me then the half moon tops. The inside of the bag is fairly soft so you do not have to worry about scratching surfaces that are inside the bag while in motion.
There are many compartments in this bag for storage areas. I will start with the side compartment in the main storage area. This is accessed from the side of the bag and does not go around the bag. This is much like a brief case entry and where I put in my laptop. Both sides of this pocket are padded to increase the safety of the contents. On the front of the bag there is the zipper panel where the writing is. There is a large pocket here that can be used to store things like a couple days of clothing. Below this pocket there is a smaller pocket that can be used to store things like charging cables. On the back of the bag is the zip down area that exposes the back pack straps and the roll up sleeve. Lastly there is a expandable net for holding a water bottle while you are out and about.
Now for the writing on the bag. This is horrible, it is a incoherant rambing of nonsense.
"The heart has in a big bag, and the outside world is wide, repsect for nature, the pursuit of freedom is our pursuitof the true meaning of life, so that our freedom, random, and live, it is OXA has always been the pursuit"
Then there is a larger impression of the OXA name below that. Over the right there is a box with a small statement in it: originalism deriverd from life. All that other cheesy junk needs to go away and lets go with what is in the box, printed in the size of the incoherant words.
Other then some cheesy writing on the bag, this bag is an excellent choice. It is built very durable from the material, stitching and zippers. It will hold my 17 inch laptop where most will not because of their design. If you are looking for a very nice bag I recommend this bag from OXA. I would like to thank DBPOWER and affiliates for sending me this canvas bag to try out and share my opinion.
Can be found at:
Hash Tag Users: #OXAMensCanvasBackpackTravelBag
There is also a 12% OFF code of the OXA Men's Canvas Backpack Travel Bag: LR9QQLN2 for Amazon.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a sample for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I tried personally and believe will be good for my readers. No other form of compensation was received. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."