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All I can say this is a very unique product. It is kind of like sprinkling grated cheese from a pizza parlor on food. To me it is kind of bland, takes a bit to even get the taste going. The flavor that it does have is a hint of cheese. This product is very healthy though. It is 50% protein and 20% fiber. As well as, extremely low in calories, fat and sodium, it is dairy free, gluten free, MSG free and has a ton of vitamins, minerals.
I have used this on my spaghetti, baked chicken, and salads. Although this product is geared more for vegans, it does work well for adding to items for a small flavor change.
Upon ordering this they email you a book with a lot of helpful recipes in it. These yeast flakes can be found at: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00PJ3IPMI/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I would like to thank Sari Foods for allowing me to try this product out. It was a nice change up and I didn't not even know something like this existed.
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