This was a first time experience for me. It requires some work to do it correctly. First thing is making the mouth pieces more molded for a better comfort fit. Do this by soaking them in some hot water then putting them into the mount and sucking the air out. Not difficult but do not have the fittings so hot that they burn the mouth. Next put the gel into each mouth piece and insert them. It says to start out at a 5 minute treatment for the first and add 5 minutes to the next 2 consecutive treatments. Total time should only be 15 minutes max with the gel. It is done in this manner to make sure there is no sensitivity or pain to the treatment. Lastly comes the blue gel, this only takes a small amount and spread it like the gel but no where near as thick. This is left in for 15 minutes as well, it helps to make sure the treatment stays longer.
Now what everyone wants to know! Does it work? Yes it does. I could see a very noticeable difference in the first treatment. The next 4 treatments I have done it is not as noticeable but it does keep working on cleaning and whitening teeth. The only thing I didn't like about the mouth pieces having the tabs for soaking them to form them. After I formed mine I removed those tabs. This made it where I was able to close my mouth completely without drool going down my face from the tabs sticking out.
I would like to thank Brilliant HD for sending me this to test. I am extremely happy with the results and would recommend this for anyone looking for a teeth whitening system.
It can be found at: