I was sent this item to test and leave a review on. This USB lamp is fairly handy. It has multiple stage lighting. Easy to turn off and on and requires no batteries. Now the lamp having multiple stage lighting is on the main switch on the back of the lamp, click it one time and one of the LED lights activates, click a second time the other LED light turns on. Clicking it a third time turns off the lamps. The lamps are fairly bright if you are working in a small or close area. This is made to do things like lite up your keyboard on your laptop so you can see. I actually have it plugged in and on right now as I am writing this :) It could be used in any USB socket for spare lighting. I have noticed it works well on lighting up the side of my laptop where my power plug is when I need to plug in for a recharge. It would work great for lighting a book you are reading in a dim lit area. Now for the make up of the light, the casing is made of plastic which does not seem to be extremely durable. The cord area is a thin metal adjustable housing. It has some spring back in it when trying to bend for the desired position. The metal housing seems fairly durable but I would not suggest trying to form a figure eight or see how many times it can be twisted. The whole unit is very lightweight and compact.
I see this having so many uses since it plugs into USB slots for power. Phones, tablets, pc, and readers all for the most part have a USB slot now. This is great for the student working on homework at a laptop and able to turn on this light for reading purposes and not have to turn on an over head light or lamp. It can be used to light up keyboards at night to not interrupt others in the house while sleeping. Another instance I used this light, I had just unlocked the door to the house and dropped my keys, and of course they found their way under the steps where I could not see them with the porch light on. So I grabbed my tablet and plugged in this light. I turned on the light and had no problem in locating my keys with this light. I know I had a flashlight handy as well, but I wanted to test this out as a different application.
If you are in the market for some additional lighting that is very transportable and USB capable, this is where you need to stop and consider this product.
It can be found at: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00D2ZDY2Q
Hashtag users: #booklight
I would like to thank Airbundle and all of the affiliates responsible for sending me this lamp to test.